July 14th, 2010

phoenix rising

I don’t know what the future holds.  I want happily ever after, like anybody else does.  If I could have a made-to-order life companion, I could throw out a list of attributes that would be welcome — tall, brown hair, blue eyes, smart, competent, confident, enthusiastic, kind, compassionate, responsible, witty, gentle, strong, mature, educated, thoughtful, playful, sensitive, wise, elegant, savvy, honest, healthy, trustworthy, fun, dependable, interesting, passionate, alive, affectionate, communicative, understanding, patient, excellent.


I don’t even know if I could live with a man again.  I haven’t lived well with the men I shared space with for the past fifteen years.  It’s hard to picture the possibilities.  In a perfect world, with a perfect me, I would be able to live with someone, happily ever after.  I would be able to go to sleep and wake up by his side, and move around in harmony in the space we share.  In a perfect world.

I can’t bring someone into our family fold unless I know beyond all doubt that he is fine and upstanding and will love and honor my children and be a positive influence in their lives.

Meanwhile, I am healing.  I am coming back.  I am re-emerging.  I feel it, and it thrills me.  I am beginning to feel more complete, more beautiful.  I can and will be just fine on my own.  My heart is open.

I’m still susceptible to the jabs* of those who choose to be unkind.  Even so, I am surrounded by so much love, and it quickly assuages any fiery darts that are thrown my way.  My friends and family are so very dear to me, and I am absolutely rich in the love and kindness that we share with each other.

*This photo started a FaceBook flame, but so many fantastic people jumped in with nothing but kindness and support.

This entry was posted on Wednesday, July 14th, 2010 at 5:58 AM and is filed under me. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

10 Responses to “desire”

sara0611 Says:

Just to reiterate what I said on FB – that is a really beautiful photo of you!
So, so happy that you are emerging from your transition state into more sunshine. <3

Stomper Girl Says:

The flamer – he wasn’t Gadget was he? Tell me you’re not friends on FB with your ex-husband.

sueeeus Says:

Guilty. It’s so he can see pics of the kids, but I’m THIS close to de-friending him.

suse Says:

That sad, sad ex-husband.

Defriend him and send him the odd email with a pic attached. If he can’t even tell you truthfully where he’s living (WHEN HE HAS YOUR CHILDREN), then it’s all he deserves.

Stomper Girl Says:

De-friend him. Open a flickr account for him or something. Seriously.

sueeeus Says:

Okay. It’s done. But I’m still friends with his brothers and sisters. Is that weird? They’ve been nothing but kind, all along, and I don’t have anything against them.

skills Says:

your a confused lady,adding the ex for pics…wutever…..your friends are very tough and very real…I so respect them…chop you right now…

sueeeus Says:

I don’t even know what ‘chop you right now’ means…

aunty evil Says:

Hi Sue,

The others gave you good advice.

You may have to apply that here as well…if possible.

babelbabe Says:

sweetheart, YOU are gorgeous. block the fucker and email him the pics separately. he’s an ass.