March 20th, 2006
I decided to try out a new blogging utility called WordPress, so I loaded it to a webserver and spent some time this weekend installing and configuring it. I like its features, and it’s free. It’s not been the easiest thing to configure, but that’s mostly because I did a custom install on my own webspace. There are low cost providers out there who offer WordPress blogging and they’ve done all the hard stuff so it’s easy for a newbie to get started. I had to do things the hard way, though, because that’s just my way.
Here’s my new blog.
I will eventually move my blogger archives over there, but that is thus far proving to be difficult.
November 29th, 2005
Exploration of Identity
Obscure. Hidden. Concealed. Covered. Camouflaged. Protected. Inconspicuous. Undiscovered. Unnoticed. Unobtrusive. Sheltered.
November 25th, 2005
Is today Friday I’ve lost track. The theme is Something Special.
These stories brought hope and light to the mind of a very young girl, who, until reading them, felt alone in the world where nobody, not even her parents, knew her, or cared to know her. These magical stories of love and light and the battle between good and evil filled her mind with wonder and planted seeds of self-worth. These stories changed her life.
Many years later, this girl learned that another young girl, who recently lost her father, loves these stories. This book will be lovingly and beautifully wrapped, placed in the post and sent to a faraway place, so it will be something magical for a dear and special child to open for Christmas.
November 22nd, 2005
Exploration of Identity
There have been better days
November 11th, 2005
O migraine, how I loathe thee
Thou vexation of cranial orb
Thy thund’ring rage woulds’t pummel
Yea verily torment
Even unto the spewing forth
Harken yonder, ‘tis sweet relief
B’neath veil of darkness still
With temper’d potion of ibuprofen
Yea, milligrams of one hundred times eight
And undulations, of rhythm most merciful
O King Kong, thou magnificent throne
I am at thy mercy
Thrice times the quarter hour
Thou hast brought me refuge
O soothing nectar of yon delicate leaf
Such comfort thou dost bring
O Ibuprofen! O King Kong! O Green Tea!
Thou art my truest friends indeed
November 11th, 2005
But wait! There’s more! Okay, so the drinking receptacle also depends upon the particular beverage. If we’re talking about green tea, for instance, then this is my favorite cup. I found a pair at a thrift store years ago, and last week or the week before (everything happened last week, and the week before) I was emptying the dishwasher and dropped something on one of them and cracked it. WOE IS ME.
What pleases me about this cup, you might wonder Well. I’ll tell you. First, its shape. It is somewhat square (like me) and somewhat round (like me) and somewhat stout (like me). Next, it’s design. It is somewhat Asian (like me). And somewhat delicate (like me), yet somewhat rustic (like me). And, prior to the slippery dishwasher emptying incident, it was somewhat sturdy (like me).
Now it is somewhat broken (like me).
November 11th, 2005
I like Blackbird’s Show and Tell game. This week I had the honor of choosing the theme – Favorite Cup or Mug. I’ve been on a quest for the perfect cup for quite some time, and I’m looking forward to oohing and ahhing and being jealous of other people’s fine beverage-ware.
If I weren’t so particular, finding a good cup wouldn’t be an issue. However. Sort of like Goldilocks, things need to be just right, or I’m not quite satisfied.
Currently, this is the closest I’ve come. I discovered it last week, at Pier 1. But it’s still not quite there. I love the cobalt blue. I have tons of cobalt blue dishes – food looks so nice when presented with this color. Bright green broccoli, orange carrots, multi-colored peppers… So lovely! So. Cobalt is one of my favorite consumption receptacle colors. I was therefore delighted to find this cup. And even more delighted that it was 20% off. I like the ribbon handle. This is a very nice ergonomic grip. I can fit all four fingers through the handle and wrap them snugly and comfortingly around the cup, or I can wrap all four nicely around the handle itself. Both good qualities. It is made of porcelain, which has a nice sturdy weight and feel without being thick and clunky.
I especially like the swirling leaves. The cobalt glaze is raised above the white floral design, so it has a pleasing texture as well. The only thing that is not quite right about this cup is the volume. It’s a bit much for me. It stands too tall for my Senseo coffee maker (but that may not matter too much, as I have several issues with that particular coffee machine, and its days may be numbered). Beverages lose their heat before they can be fully enjoyed. This happens with small cups as well, though, as I tend to take my sweet time and a cup of something soothing usually lasts an hour or two.
I bought four, and am contemplating going back for another four. I might, after all, entertain, one day, in the odd chance that I make some (local*) friends and invite them over. It’s also possible that more than two family members at a time might actually visit, in which case it would be nice to serve coffee or tea in matching mugs. The sale is on for a few more days. I will give it some more thought.
*My best friends are hundreds, even thousands, of miles away.