First, another look at a beautiful baby. There can never be too much of that!
While I’m not big on resolutions, I live by lists and goals. They help maintain my sanity. There are so many things rattling around in my head, so putting them down on paper (so to speak) is a way to pull them out of the quagmire that is my mind, thus free it up just a bit. In lieu of any formal resolutions, here are some of my current hopes, plans and goals, in no particular order:
- sleep through the night — LB slept for six hours straight last night, so we’re on our way! If only I didn’t keep waking up to check on him, or to check the time…
- breast milk for a year — if I can maintain the current rate of production, I might be able to stop pumping in April (assuming I can find enough freezer space)
- settle in to a livable pumping schedule in which I can get a reasonable amount of sleep; see 1 and 2
- recover my milk supply — one day (yesterday, see 3) of fiddling with the pumping schedule and now a tremendous drop in supply. .. …trying not to panic…
- settle in to a good work schedule (thank God I work with and for such great people!)
- make peace with leaving my children at daycare (children, I have children!)
- maintain good blood sugar control
- exercise at least 3 times/week
- eat more healthy foods than junky foods
- keep my cool in the face of the emotional challenges a four year old poses
- spend a little more time and effort grooming –looking better helps me feel better…
- enlist Gadget to help more around the house –one can always try…
- buy a house! Yes, the economy sucks, which is why this year is a particularly good year to buy, if we can manage it.
- play more with my boys
- establish a reasonable bed time and routine for BB
- think happy thoughts
- count my blessings every day
- eat for necessity, not emotion or sport
- take a vacation that’s good for all of us
- declutter