November 8th, 2005

Exploration of Identity – Rock Star
The Rock Star is a typical expression of insecurity and low self esteem. A cry for attention. The Rock Star would parade before the masses, entertaining them, but only in exchange for feeding on their adoration. Look at me! Validate me! I wonder how many rock stars had parents who didn’t like them.

This picture was taken twenty years ago. 80s era glam rock. It was all in good fun.

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5 Responses to “Self Portrait Tuesday”

BabelBabe Says:

love that hair : ) god the things we did to our hair in that decade…mine was all permed and gelled…ack!

you have a killer smile, sueeeus.

la vie en rose Says:

you make a lovely rock goddess.

yaya Says:

My favourite era – how come my hair goes like that now but wouldn’t when I was sixteen?

Suse Says:


Oh lordy we are old.