Six months of slobbery perfection!
What can I say? Every day his personality shines a bit more. He’s been the best baby. He’s very good at rolling over and back, and is starting to commando-crawl, and he’ll get up on his knees and face, but that extra push up on his arms isn’t quite mastered. He’s so close, though. It’s comical to see him using his head, literally.
He’s examining toys more, and playing more interactively. And he loves to eat! He loves spoon feeding, and he’s getting very good at it. He gets so excited when he’s in his high chair and I have a bright bowl of food for him. We’re sticking with the rice cereal mixed with milk for now, and I will very gradually start introducing other things.
So far, so many of his mannerisms are exactly the same as his brother’s. He laughs and laughs when his brother teases him. It’s delightful to see.
I’ve made it the first six months on the breast pump, and am in a reasonable routine now, so I’m patting myself on the back for a job well done. The next goal is to make it to eight months on this schedule. By then I should have nearly enough frozen stash to get him to the one year mark. So at eight months I’m going to begin a very very slow weaning process, cutting down to three pumps a day for a little while, and then down to two. It needs to be slow because I don’t want any problems with clogs or infections. I’m not quite sure how I’m going to get there, because as it stands, I’ve not been very successful at stretching the time between pumps past eight hours, so to go to twelve is a bit lofty at this point. I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it. For now, I’ve got a gorgeous, delicious, snuggly, slobbery little boy to dote on.