I can’t think of anything selfless that I did today. As for blessings? I think the highlights would be baby laughter and both kids finishing their dinner without a three hour struggle.
Kind of frustrated with Gadget, though, and if I even dwell on it, it completely blows my glass half full exercise out the window. I could stop here. I could. I should. But I won’t. (It’s my blog and I’ll whine if I want to, whine if I want to, whine if I want to… …you would whine to if it happened to you… hahahaaahahhahahhaha)
It would be nice if I weren’t the only one who noticed that the baby needed a new diaper, that BB’s bed needed to be made, that the soiled bedding needed to be washed, that the already washed clothes needed to be folded, that the now-folded clothes needed to be taken upstairs and put away, that the baby needed another new diaper, that the dinner leftovers needed to be put away, that the dishes needed to be loaded in the dishwasher, that the dishwasher first needed to be unloaded, and the clean dishes put away, that the baby needed another diaper, that the baby needed a bottle, and then another, that the kids needed to be put to bed…
I might as well be a single mom.
…and he has the nerve to get irritated with ME for asking for help, because when I want help, I want it NOW, not in a minute, not later, not any other time besides now. NOW.
Because I shouldn’t even have to ask.