December 13th, 2005

Reflective Surfaces –
Reflections from a PDA
In a little over a month, Lactina and I will part ways. The journey has been long and tiring, and I hope worthwhile.
Mother’s milk is supposed to boost a baby’s immune system. Poor little guy has another cold. And therefore, so do I.
The PDA. Christmas 2004. The last of the big splurges before the baby came. A cry to order and organization. Fast forward to December 2005. I barely know how to use it. The money was not well spent.

This entry was posted on Tuesday, December 13th, 2005 at 6:05 PM and is filed under self-portrait tuesday. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

3 Responses to “Self Portrait Tuesday”

la vie en rose Says:

don’t you hate it when you spend money on something and then never really use it. i have those items in my life too. you did get some good self pics from it.

Sarah Ann Smith Says:

My kids are now 12 and 7. I promise, it gets better. I used to be organized. Then I had kids. Now I’m starting (ahem) to be organized again. They aren’t quite so kissy as when they are little, but I love it when my 12 year old son (gasp—-his voice is starting to change….not already!? !!!!!) still wants to sit on my lap. Of course, at 106 pounds and only 5 inches or less shorter than I am, it’s a bit crowded….

Cheers, Sarah

PS what this all means is that in about 8 years you’ll have enough time to figure out how to work the PDA……

Suse Says:

I am in awe that you managed to pump for so many months. What a gift you gave him!