It’s not just the end of a year, but the end of a decade.
A decade!
Many momentous happenings.
- The birth of a nephew, and with it, an epiphany that changed my life; saved my life, even
- The death of a brother
- The birth, life, and death of a marriage; my marriage
- The realization of motherhood; the birth of my two sons
- First teeth, first words, first steps
- Travels in far off places — Italy! France! Australia!
- New friends in faraway places; friends in the blogosphere
- Professional growth
- A new car
- A home of my own
- The end of my parents’ marriage
- New love and marriage for my mother
- The beginning and end of a marriage for my brother
- A new nephew; the realized dream of motherhood for my sister
- Two other brothers married
- A new niece on the way; the realized dream of fatherhood for my brother
Much love, sorrow, and joy, these past ten years, but overall, much, much joy.
Adieu, 2009.