February 12th, 2010

In the stars His handiwork I see

On the winds He speaks with majesty

When I was young, I clung to those words, and many like them.  They gave me great comfort, and grounded me.  They came from spiritual songs and they planted a seed within me that eventually took root.  In a way, I think they formed me.


I’ve been thinking a lot about my life path.  I know I’ve written about it before, when counting my blessings and contemplating gratitude.  When I put my mind in that place, I realize that every moment of trial and tribulation was a moment well spent, because each of those moments contributed to my life path that put me here, now (or there, then).  I have so much!  I have my children.  It was by no means an easy journey, and I suppose accomplished more by brute force than by faith, but accomplished just the same.  It was the dream of all dreams.  Granted, it didn’t come in the packaging I’d envisioned, but I can see now that even that near decade of a life less lived still placed me here, now.  And here, now, at this moment in time, I am effervescing with the thrill of seeing a future with endless, magical possibilities.  Here, now, at this moment in time, I am bursting with the delight of this very moment.  This.  Very.  Moment.  It takes my breath away.


I recall contrasting my marriage to the relationships of others I know, and marveling at the friendships they shared.  I recall thinking, how is it that something so simple and divine as friendship can be seemingly so readily had by all these others, but not by me?  Am I so imperious that there is no place for a meeting of the minds?  Why is it out of my grasp?  It ripped at my heart, and completely confounded me.  Ultimately, it jaded me.  I was resigned to doing what I could to make my marriage work, so I was resigned to accepting the fact that that level of intimacy was not written in the stars for me.  I was defeated.


My life path changed.

The epiphany and ensuing flurry of events that brought me here, now.


I believe in miracles.


The universe conspired so that my life and that of another collided.  We are thrilling in the joy of discovery.


We are speaking.

We are listening.

We are hearing.

We are laughing.

We are crying.

We are learning.

We are understanding.

We are smiling.

We are healing.

We are treading ever so softly, Skills and I, to gently tend this garden we are growing.

We are thanking God, and bowing down in humility, reverence, and gratitude.

This entry was posted on Friday, February 12th, 2010 at 4:39 PM and is filed under friends, love, mental health, philosophy/religion, thankfulness. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

12 Responses to “in the stars”

Stomper Girl Says:

Well how wonderful to find you so happy and full of hope!
I’m sorry to be dumb about this but does this mean you and Gadget reconnected tor there is somebody new?

suse Says:

I do believe somebody new!

Oh my love. Blessings and showers of joy on you, you so bloody well deserve love and happiness.


Aunty Evil Says:

Yes yes, it sounds like someone new, she called him Skills, that is how we will know him, right?

Have fun! You deserve it.

sueeeus Says:

Oh yes, my dear friends. ‘Fixit’ might have been appropriate, but that name is taken. Skills is how we shall know him.

Aunty Evil Says:

Hey, I am sure I left a comment, now it is gone!

I’m with suse, I reckon it is someone new, who we shall know as Skills.

Have fun with it girl, you deserve to smile!

babelbabe Says:

I am so happy for you! And, um, Skills, hi, I’m Sueeeus’s Internet friend…might sound a little weird, but you’ll get used to us : )

Aunty Evil Says:

Oh yeah, great, now I have two comments. Sigh.

Anyway, you will need to bring him to Australia so we can all check him out!

And bring your beautiful babies with you this time…although you did bring one of them, we just didn’t get to meet him. 🙂

Stomper Girl Says:

Oh yay! And I am here to sing the praises of Fixity types,

suse Says:

Waiting waiting waiting for an update!

Alby Mangroves Says:

Come on! He can’t be keepig you that busy! CAN HE?!?
Oh wow, I hope he is! LOL

MsCellania Says:

Where did my comment go?!
I am SO SO SO excited for you!
Skills, take care of her – she is a very good one.

Aunty Evil Says:

More! More! We want more!