June 29th, 2010

if a picture paints a thousand words

It’s not you, it’s me.  It’s not me, it’s you.  It’s me.  It’s you.  It’s me.  Me, me, me.  Me.

Why did we fail, he wants to know.

Maybe I should go back to Gadget, he suggests.


It’s troubling, he says, to see how I used Gadget (to get my babies), and how I used him (as a rebound).  As if it were premeditated.  Sigh.  Oh, how I sigh.  Of course I can say in retrospect that I had an agenda when I married, and that was to have children.  I still went into the relationship with full hope of a bright and fulfilling future.  And I tried to make it work.  Lord, I tried.  But I couldn’t do it, and I sure as hell couldn’t do it alone, so I had to end it.  Likewise, I went headlong into our whirlwind with full hope of a bright and fulfilling future.  I premeditated nothing.  I had no designs.  No agendas.  I just wanted to love and be loved.  To understand and be understood.  I effervesced and thrilled in the beauty of the universe that opened up to me, to us.

The drama began to infiltrate.  I couldn’t make heads or tails of things and blamed it on hormones.  The writing on the wall was there from early on.  If not fully evident, it was written between the lines.

We don’t fit.  For many reasons.  But there was a moment where we did, and that moment was treasure for me.

Am I a user?

If that is how it played out, then that is how it is.

Premeditated?  No.  But guilty, as charged.

This entry was posted on Tuesday, June 29th, 2010 at 11:47 PM and is filed under chapters of my life, love, me, sorrow. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

5 Responses to “the writing on the wall”

Mary Says:

Take it very easy on yourself my friend ….

aunty evil Says:

No No No No No!

Skills, if you are reading this, you have to stop that!

The look in her eyes when she was enjoying your relationship was not fake.

She looked happy! You put that there!

But real life takes over, and it sounds to me like you both were at the wrong time.

You simply cannot walk out of one hurtful, damaging relationship and into another relationship (not the same, hopefully) without bringing scars and pain and anger with you.

Unless one of you is completely WHOLE, with no baggage, no pain and no anger and a crapload of love and understanding and the patience of a saint, it is a bloody hard road to walk.

In this case, I have to say wholeheartedly, Skills, this is NOT you, it IS her.

Sorry Sue, but for now, until you are free of the pain and the hurt and the anger, it IS you. Until you can love yourself and forgive yourself, it IS you.

She did NOT use you.

Don’t spoil the brief but lovely thing you shared together by making it into something it wasn’t.

Sue, you have to FOCUS. On YOU. Skills, you have to FOCUS too, on YOU.

Both of you have to get on with things.

Oh yeah…and what Mary said. 🙂

Sorry, rant over. I just hate seeing you both tearing your hearts out over this. It’s just not right.

Stomper Girl Says:

Well said Aunty and Mary.

Alby Mangroves Says:

So upset, I just wrote this massive comment and it didn’t post!!!!

sueeeus Says:

Oh, I know, I KNOW!!! But wouldn’t it be so much easier to go through all this with someone who ADORES you?! And worships the ground you walk on?! (I know, total cop-out. That’s letting someone else pull you up rather than using your own bootstraps. I know. I KNOW! Sigh…..)