May 22nd, 2006

My helper.  We don’t have a child lock on the dishwasher, and he’s very good at pushing the buttons and turning the dials.  He loves to open and close doors.  He has even opened this and crawled onto the door – all it takes is a split second.  I have to be SO vigilant with this little guy.  Note the neatly folded stacks crumpled piles of kitchen towels on the cart behind him.  Another fun thing to do is help fold unfold things.  And put things away.  Sometimes I find toys and household miscellany in wastebins, laundry baskets, cabinets, and drawers.


Having a helper is the best!

This entry was posted on Monday, May 22nd, 2006 at 10:00 AM and is filed under children. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

4 Responses to “helping hands”

myfloat Says:

Tip of the day: check ALL internal rubbish bins to make sure that your jewellery/important papers/mobile phone/sunglasses/keys haven’t been dropped in by your little (un)helper!

doubleknot Says:

Aw mom – he is just doing what kids do. He must see you clean and do the right things instead of sit on the couch watching TV all day – and guess where he would be.
Child proof those cabinets unless you are sure there is nothing in there to harm the little one.
I have a dust pan with a brush that the five year old uses to clean up the crumbs when they get ready to leave – just bought a smaller version for little sister, 3, because she wants to clean also.

Suse Says:

Ooh I love that kitchen trolley!

(Oh yeah, and the child too).

The Bec Half Of Glamorouse Says:

He is SO cute! Impossible to see the towels through the sheer power of his glowing cuteness aura!!