December 15th, 2006

There is no heartbeat.


Tonight, wine, candlelight, and tears.

That is all.

This entry was posted on Friday, December 15th, 2006 at 7:43 PM and is filed under pregnancy. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

11 Responses to “and so another chapter comes to a close”

Blue Moon Girl Says:

Oh Sueeeus, I am so very, very sorry. It is so heartbreaking. I had been so hoping for you this week. I am sending hugs to you.

suse Says:

Oh honey bunny. I’m so so sorry. I’ve been holding my breath all week.

And now I’m crying for you my sweet.

Hugs and hugs across the seas.


nutmeg Says:

I felt so sad reading your post. There really are no adequate words in this situation. Very sad news. I am so sorry.

bec Says:

I am so sad and sorry to hear this. I was hoping to read something so very different, as were we all. Wine and candlelight and tears indeed.

babelbabe Says:

Oh, I am so sorry.
I don’t know what to say other than I am so vry sorry and am thinking of you, holding you in my heart.

blackbird Says:

I’m holding you in my heart…

Velcro Says:

Oh Sueeeus I am so so sorry. Tears from across the world for you.

sooz Says:

What terrible news. It’s an awful place to be in, I remember it well. I haven’t got any wonderful words to offer I’m afraid. I hope you have teh time and space to grieve.

Miscellania Says:

I am crying, and my boys are patting me. I wish I could hold you and tell you how sorry I am, how terribly sad. And comfort you the ways my boys are comforting me.

my float Says:

Oh Sueeeus, I’m so very very sorry. I can’t think of anything to say other than I am holding you in my heart.

kim Says:

I just came by to catch-up and this has taken my breath away and brought tears to my eyes. I am so so so very very sorry. All my love and hugs from the other side of the world.

Oh Sueeeus, my heart is breaking.