I just love the sound of a toddler’s voice –especially when it’s my toddler’s voice! Everything has a sort of an ‘h’ sound in it. I’ve not been on top of things, as far as capturing his firsts for posterity. First tooth I don’t recall. I remember eight teeth came in all at once, but I don’t remember when. First words I don’t know. First haircut That was shortly after his first birthday. I had good intentions, but just didn’t follow through, capturing this stuff. I’ve been thinking of how delighted I am by the sound of his voice and the enthusiasm with which he points to things when he proudly tells me what they are. I thought I’d try to at least capture this, as best I can.
- D (dheeh)
- A (ayhe)
- B (bheeh)
- Y (wyah)
- I (Iyah)
- sky (kiyah)
- wall (whah)
- moon (a mhooh! a mhooh! or myeeoon)
- stool (dhooh)
- keys (keeyah)
- truck (tuk)
- drive (dhive)
- helicopter (hay-yee-ka)
- ambulance (ahm-moo)
- baby (bhaaaaaye-bee)
- cup (khuh)
- Mommy (Mhohhhhhh-meee) <– I LOVE that he sings it in this long drawn out way, gush!
- Daddy (Dhahhhhhh-deee)
- green beans (mheen-mheen)
- mine (MHIYAH!)
- vacuum (bak)
- broom (bhoo)
- bowl (bhohw)
- milk (mheeyuhl)
- juice (dhooce)
- apple (ap-poh)
- soup (sooh)
- ball (bhah)
- please (bhee, bheeze)
- up (uh)
- sorry (dhah-yee)
- thank you (dhah-koo)
- fan (bhah)
- What are those (ah-doh )
- What’s that called (ah-kho )
- balloon (byooh)
- rock (rhah)
- yucky (uhck-ee)
- yummy (yhum-meee)
- mouth (mhou-wah)
- eyes (Iyah)
- nose (nhohwa)
- hair (heh)
- leg (yheg)
- toes (dhoh)
- teeth (teehe)
- shoes (sooh)
- kitty (kih-yee)
- light (yhigh)
- wipes (whiya)
- all gone (ah-go)
- spoon (pooh)
- door (dhowa)
- gate (gaye)
- house (howe)
- hot (hawh)
- cold (koh-ohhhh)
- pull (puhl)
- remote (ah-mho)
- saw (dhaw)
- spill (pe-yuhl)
- drop (dhop)
- hi (hiye)
- night-night (nhigh-nhigh)
- bye-bye (bhye-bhye)
- coat (kho)
- boat (bho)
- train (choo-choo)
- plane (peen)
- trike (tyke)
- shower (dhowa)
- towel (dhowl)
- tea (teeh)
- snow (nhoh)
- tree (treeh)
- back pack (bhab- bhab)