February 21st, 2007

Feeling a bit snarly today.  Hopefully because follicles are busy doing what follicles should do.  Or something to that effect.  I’m just so frustrated with non-answers today.  I’ve got a few plates spinning and although it’s not that unusual to receive vague or nondescript information from those with whom I must collaborate, it gets a bit frustrating when it seems that nothing meaningful or useful comes from anyone.  Such has been the case thus far today.  A jam packed morning wasted with nothing to show after hours of multi-threaded attempted collaboration.

Scenario 1. 

Me:  Black or White
Colleague:  Try Blue.
Me:  How do I use Blue
Colleague:  We don’t work with Blue.  You have to ask someone who works with Blue.
Me, to another colleague:  Do you know how to use Blue
Colleague:  We usually use Black.  Ask your focal how to translate the Blue to a Black so that we can work with it.
Me, to first colleague:  How do we translate the Blue to a Black
Colleague:  We don’t do this. 
Me, to second colleague:  Do you have a focal who might be able to translate our Blue to a Black
Second colleague to second focal:  Can we translate Blue to Black
Status:  pending…
(…I didn’t mention that all I need is 5 minute’s worth of support from the second colleague, and all I need to know is how to authorize it, but because of interdepartmental bureaucratic policies, it has taken the better part of a day and still, no solution.)

Scenario 2.

Colleague:  Your project has elements that are non-compliant.
Me:  Which elements
Colleague:  We can manage this project for you, and ensure compliance. 
Me:  Which elements are non-compliant  
Colleague:  No answer
Me:  If we consider letting you manage this, what is the process for transferring this part of the project
Colleague:  We can make sure you are compliant.
Me:  We mean to be compliant.  We want to be compliant.  We document and justify every element.  What, specifically is non-compliant
Status:  No answer…

Maybe it’s just me, but it seems that people aren’t being particularly helpful.  And me   Helpful is my middle name.  I live to serve.  I am so frustrated!  As I said, maybe it can all be chalked up to follicular activity, and quite possibly I’m blowing it all out of proportion.  Even so, I remain agitated.  Hrumph.

This entry was posted on Wednesday, February 21st, 2007 at 12:21 PM and is filed under work. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

One Response to “what I am is what I am, are you what you are, or what”

bec Says:

Focals You work with people known as focals Waaaay too post-modern for me!