November 19th, 2007

My heart is singing today. I’m smiling from the inside out. I probably can’t put it to words, but suffice it to say that it’s a beautiful thing and I feel very, very happy.

It’s a combination of many things, actually.

Last night, my beloved sang himself to sleep. In his race car bed. “Twink-oh, twink-oh widdow stah, how I wondah (pause) ahhhhh, like a diamond, up the sky, twink-oh twink-oh widdow stah…” My heart just bursts. And better yet? No 3 a.m. wakeup call. The whole night, in his own room. The whole night! Would it be too shocking to admit that I allowed him to stay up until nearly 11 p.m.? Even so, the 3 a.m. wakeup call is independent of such things. So. Smiling inside.

This weekend my grandma turned 90. Such a feat, in itself, and she’s still living independently and has control of her mental faculties. She’s doing remarkably well. She’s been in a relatively steady state of health for the last ten years. It’s quite something. My own selfish longevity goal is to make it to 80, if at all possible. Before I had a child, I didn’t have a longevity goal, but now that he’s here, I want to be here for him and see him to adulthood. She reminded me she was an only child. She produced two, who then produced thirteen, who then produced fourteen, who then produced three. These are the generations.

There has been some family drama of the sort in which things are said to give the impression that the sky is falling. And then, like a ray of sunshine, someone steps in with eloquence, humor, and clarity of mind to set the record straight. The mere fact that the angel gave voice is cause for jubilation. The words that he shared, and the way in which he expressed them, were treasure of priceless value. He helped me see a side of things that I generally don’t see. A side that can only be seen through the eyes of unconditional love. A side that is usually clouded by dark memories. I am humbled by his humility, and inspired. Inspired to rise above the chapters of my life that cloud the sunshine from my own heart. And I am grateful. My heart is bursting.

This entry was posted on Monday, November 19th, 2007 at 11:59 AM and is filed under family. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

7 Responses to “like a diamond up the sky”

Aunty Evil Says:

This is a beautiful post. I am glad you are feeling joy.

Happy birthday to your grandmother. MDH’s grandmother sounds very similar to yours. She had her 90th this year as well.

I could hear your boy’s voice as I read about him singing to himself. So cute!

Blue Moon Girl Says:

I’m with Aunty, beautiful post.

I just love it when they sing like that! So cute! He is SO adorable! I loved that picture from awhile back when he “webbed” you! There’s so much mischief and joy sparkling in those eyes!

Happy birthday to your grandmother! That’s awesome!! I am with you on feeling proud to live anywhere near that long and still be in control of my faculties.

Yasmin Says:

What a wonderful post – I haven’t been around for awhile but smethign told me to check in today…Life is wonderful, isn’t it? Happ B to your G… yaya

meggie Says:

Such a lovely post Sue! Our children are always magic. And Grandmas always know this!

Yasmin Says:

Thanks for your comment – I am now posting short stories on the blog – this happened a LOOOOOOOOONG time ago but I like the way it writes up…kepp reading for more suprises yaya

suse Says:

Your writing just SINGS when you’re happy!

Lovely post.

bec Says:

Can’t say it better than Suse!