January 9th, 2008

Even with my rosy colored glasses, I’m thinking that I can probably put together a list of twenty five physical ailments, annoyances, nuisances and shortcomings.

  1. Low back pain, chronic but flared beyond normal of late
  2. Neck pain, chronic
  3. Bruises all over my legs.  Where did they come from?
  4. What might be the beginning of varicose veins, discovered while pondering the origination of the bruises.
  5. Upper back pain, chronic
  6. Leg cramps
  7. Itchy spots that travel when itched
  8. Scars from burns made in August 2007
  9. Scars from teenage acne
  10. Scars from adult acne
  11. Sleep apnea
  12. Chronic post nasal drip
  13. An alarming amount of grey hair
  14. Hangnails
  15. Cracked dry skin
  16. Water retention
  17. Type II Diabetes
  18. Insomnia
  19. Fatigue
  20. Hair in my eyes (badly in need of a trim)
  21. Wide feet
  22. Multiple chins
  23. Spare tires.  Not just one, but a whole set.
  24. Bad breath (I suspect it’s related to #12)
  25. Receding gums

I don’t dwell on these things.  I just realize that I took my youth entirely for granted, assuming that I would always feel lively, flexible, well-rested, and energetic, completely oblivious to the fact that the onset of years would eventually take their toll.

The chronic back and neck pain entered my life concurrent with the emergence of the buxom twins.  The rest can be attributed in one way or another to a combination of genetics and a desk job.

I live with these things, but no worries.  I smile every day.  I could probably put together a list of nice physical things as well, if I try hard enough.

  1. Thick hair
  2. Peanut buttery skin color (the down side is that it scars easily)
  3. Smooth skin (edema and spare tires help keep it stretched out, thus hiding potential wrinkles; see, there is a bright side to everything, if only one looks)
  4. Strong teeth
  5. Fairly white teeth (even if they don’t smell good, at least they look good)
  6. Pleasant smile (see 5)
  7. Medium height (I’m pretty sure I’d be happy with my height, no matter what it was.  Like my 5’3″ grandpa used to say, his legs reached the ground so they were long enough.)
  8. Nicely shaped hands
  9. Nicely shaped feet (albeit quite wide)
  10. Innie (not that it matters whether one’s navel is an innie or an outie, but mine happens to be an innie, and I’m happy with it)
  11. Brown eyes that tend to look a bit amber/golden in the right light
  12. That vaguely exotic look that mixed race people tend to have
  13. Oval face
  14. Very little body hair (no shaving necessary!)
  15. Sunburn-resistant skin
  16. High cheekbones
  17. Perfect earlobes (other than that they’re pierced)
  18. Healthy fingernails (apart from hangnails)
  19. Muscle strength (beneath the many protective and insulating layers, there is actually some good, strong muscle tissue!)
  20. No missing appendages (not that it matters, but I do have ten fingers and ten toes, and that’s all right by me)
  21. Nearly 20-20 vision (thanks to RK)
  22. Low maintenance hair (that holds a style nicely if I were to bother with styling it)
  23. Reasonably good coordination
  24. Hand dexterity
  25. Well-proportioned skeletal form (I can see that beneath the many protective layers, should I ever shed some, there is the potential of a nice figure, and I find that somewhat encouraging)

See?  I came up with 25 things!

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