March 10th, 2008

While I have a thousand 989 pictures taken during my recent trip to the land Down Under, which need to be sorted and eventually uploaded somewhere for sharing, and while I have several posts milling about in my head about my adventures and all the wonderful people I’ve had the pleasure of sharing time with, and while my Google Reader shows 94 unread posts, I will forgo all of these things for now, and begin with the status of my little Joey-Roo.

I’m beginning to wonder if I’m going to experience the joys of first trimester nausea in the second trimester instead. I’ve been feeling a bit iffy for the last few days, and am not sure if it’s due to the whirlwind of travel or the little one within. Today I heard the heartbeat! It was a healthy, steady 162 bpm. Oh, the joy! The nuchal numbers from the last screen came out well within the normal range, and the presence of the nasal bone is also encouraging. The blood test came back with a positive marker for Down Syndrome, with a 1 in 33 chance. I’d been told I had a 1 in 25 chance due to my age alone (good heavens, I’m on the cusp of 43), so that number doesn’t worry me. I know my little sprogget is just fine. So today, apart from being jet-lagged, I’m on top of the world.

My Beautiful Boy and I had toast for breakfast and I snuggled him as much as he would let me (which was a lot!).  I can tell that he is very happy that I’m home.  He was so proud of his ball cap with the kangaroo embroidered on it that he asked to wear it to daycare to show Babcia, so he didn’t even try to beg me to stay home this time.


He and Gadget made a pirate ship while I was gone. If only I could describe the smile that crossed his face when I noticed it on my desk, and told him how much I liked it, and what a good job he’d done. He was so proud, he literally beamed. My boy is growing up. Two weeks, and he seems a bit more mature. It’s a marvel.

This entry was posted on Monday, March 10th, 2008 at 2:09 PM and is filed under family, pregnancy. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

5 Responses to “first things first”

suse Says:

So glad you’re home safe and sound and with your menfolk again. And hooray for the good strong heartbeat! Don’t forget the jetlag works worst going east, so take it easy over the next few days.

I miss you.

ps. I found an envelope after you left. You’re naughty naughty, you were NOT meant to do that dearest. Thank you.


Stomper Girl Says:

Good news about Joey-Roo. (he’s sounding a bit Australian…) glad you made it home safely, and also that we met.

Aunty Evil Says:

Ditto to the letter what Stomper wrote!

Ex-shammy Says:

Hi there from Snowy Canada…. I’ve been following your Antipodean Adventures with Pea Soup, and you obviously had a lovely time. And now you are back home and can concentrate on your new addition to the family.
How wonderful!
I just became a Nana for the first time, a little grandson for me to spoil, I’m so pleased! Enjoy your family….!

MsCellania Says:

So glad you are feeling great about your bambina.
I am laid up with pleurisy, and youngest is laid up with an infected tooth/jaw/cheek. He’s on antibiotics, I’m on massive doses of NSaids. Both of our tummies are upset.
I bet you can’t get enough of your little guy the last few days!