March 12th, 2008

I’ve officially reached my second trimester (I’m somewhere in the 14th week), and am just now allowing myself to take some deep breaths. Funny, it would seem that the morning all-day sickness has decided to visit me now. Either that, or it’s my body’s reaction to the jet lag from changing 19 time zones in short order (there are 24 time zones, right, so each hour represents a zone?). No complaints though! I count any symptoms as happy signs.

holy Sheet!

This picture was taken on Fitzroy in Melbourne. Completely unrelated to this post!

I have the next scan and blood test, phase two of my integrated scan, on the 24th. It may be possible to learn the baby’s gender at that scan! I definitely want to know. I want to know everything that I can, as soon as I can. Knowledge is comfort.

This entry was posted on Wednesday, March 12th, 2008 at 8:14 PM and is filed under pregnancy. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

2 Responses to “better late than never”

meggie Says:

Good luck Sue with your new tests. I am sitting here smiling for you, & hoping the sickness thing settles.

Yasmin Doran Says:

Sueees, I know – long time no speak – but I have been having an internet sabatical for a while and then I log in to see you are pregnant…CONGRATULATIONS! Guess what? So am I! I’m due around the 15th September… I believe around the same time as yourself…how is it we seem to always do stuff in sync? Glad you enjoyed Oz, wish I could have met you…next time? With babes in arms! Congrats again, Yaya xxx