August 13th, 2008


It’s nearly 4 a.m. and once again, I can’t sleep. Prescription: decaf tea, laptop, camera & a heartburn pill. Above? That’s what I can see from here. Right now. Great wide expanses of belly!

I think LB is dropping or has dropped. He seems to be low now, my lungs aren’t as squished, and new pains have taken residence in the pelvic region. BB never did drop. I had him at 39 wks and he was way up high, happy as a clam. Maybe he was too big to drop. He was 10lb 7oz, after all.

It’s something, how much a body can change from week to week, and even day to day.


From the front view (at 35 wks) the belly gives the illusion that I might actually have a waist, which I don’t, and haven’t for years. So the voluminous pregnancy look suits me, I think. As does the blonde. I really like being blonde! Who would have ever known or guessed it could be pulled off?


And the side view. Oh, the side view. It’s quite amazing to me that I’m not riddled with stretch marks. But then again, I was nicely pre-stretched. And it continues to astound me that this belly (above) is 5 weeks short of term, and there’s only one child in there. Don’t they grow about an ounce a day from here on out? Mercy!

We’re 36 wks now. Only two weeks until the big day! My niece had her baby at 35 wks, induced due to preeclampsia, and she was born healthy and sound with no respiratory issues. It helps me feel more confident about the 38 wks delivery decision. And thankful that I’ve never had a blood pressure scare. Now, I just hope that LB plans to stick around in there for another two weeks. So far, no Braxton-Hicks contractions, no real contractions. Lots of poking and prodding and rolling and squirming. It’s something to watch, when you see all the shifting taking place under the skin, before your very eyes. A bit eerie to some (of the male gender), who tend to think it’s freaky and alien. To me? Magical.

I’m looking forward to holding my beautiful LB, and gazing into his wondrous tiny face, but at the same time, knowing how my life is about to change makes me want to savor these last several days as much as I possibly can. Lots of snuggling and teasing and laughing with BB. Alone time at 4 a.m. with heartburn. It’s all time to treasure.

This entry was posted on Wednesday, August 13th, 2008 at 3:13 AM and is filed under pregnancy. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

4 Responses to “around here”

Stomper Girl Says:

You look fabulous, blonde and pregnant and GLOWING!!

bluemountainsmary Says:

You do. You look glorious and my goodness blonde looks fantastic on you!

Suse Says:

Ah I love a belly shot. But I still get a jolt when I see you blonde!

(Two weeks! Aaahh!)

Sarah Ann Smith Says:

My thoughts exactly… you look BEAUTIFUL! The blond hair is perfect… normally I’m not wild about blond hair on those who already have spectacular dark hair, but this is great….. and the first photo… it reminds me of the photo of “earth rise from the moon”…you know the one, the astronauts took it from the dark side of the moon…. your belly looks like the world, and it is… YOUR wonderful world!

As for the )*(^&$%&**() jerk doctor…. why in the hell would he (I’m sure it wasn’t a woman) EXPECT you to want to get your tubes tied? Jerk. OK, the word I wanted to type is substantially stronger than that, but I’m trying to keep this sorta PG.

Good luck with the c-section… I’ll keep an eye on the blog….. Here’s to seeing your world meeting up with OUR world!