August 26th, 2008

A great spill marked the beginning of this pregnancy.  There have been pregnancies along the way in which clumsiness was one of the giveaway signs, even before I knew.  So it was this time.  I was painting my office and spilled the paint all over the carpet.  It was a colossal mess.  I remember joking to Gadget that it must mean I’m pregnant.  Not really believing it, since I’d taken a long expired round of Clomid, this being my last hurrah, and not expecting the drug to do much, if anything.  I took a test, anyway, which I think also happened to be the last of my test strips (having bought in bulk, and resigned myself to the fact that this was the last hurrah, not planning to buy any more…)

…and lo and behold, a positive.  So the story began.

Today, as we near the end of this pregnancy, indeed, this being the last full day, a great spill has again marked the occasion.  Clumsy, yes.  Because I keep forgetting just how much room this long load in front of me requires.  A full cup of tea (prepared nearly to Stomper Girl’s specifications, by the way, apart from the order of adding the milk, and the absence of sugar), spilled and splashed all over my desk.  My desk that is laden, mind you, with my work laptop, my home laptop, my docking station, keyboard, monitor, and two wireless mouse devices.  Tea.  Everywhere.  And of course I’m no speedster, so it took a few long moments to fetch towels from the kitchen.

I think I fried my personal laptop bluetooth mouse.  I only hope that I did no harm to either of the laptops.  They seem to be functioning, apart from the mouse situation.

Yesterday’s bout of contractions hasn’t repeated itself, thank goodness.  There are occasional contractions, but not hours of regularly spaced ones.  Which is a relief.  Heartburn remains, along with bouts of either extreme hunger or lack of appetite.  How strange for it to swing like that.  Only one full dose of insulin tonight, and a half dose in the morning, and hopefully that will be the end of the injections.

This time tomorrow I’ll be snuggling a beautiful little boy.  It’s hard to fathom.  Truly.

This entry was posted on Tuesday, August 26th, 2008 at 1:31 PM and is filed under pregnancy. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

3 Responses to “there and back again”

Stomper Girl Says:

Oh Sueeeus! You made your tea properly and then you spilled it? Tsk.

This time tomorrow …..

bluemountainsmary Says:

You are going to think I am crazy and you know how regularly I am reading but I honestly thought it was next week.


OH wow …..

Suse Says:

Well it’s the end of Wednesday here, and the beginning of Wednesday for you. You’ve been in my thoughts all day, and now I’m about to go to bed, knowing that when I wake up in the morning you will be a family of four!

Blessings to you all my dear darling friend.

Can’t wait to hear.


ps. that belly and that dragon are both beautiful.