August 27th, 2008


I’m ready.  I’m NOT ready!  This is THE DAY.  The end of this journey and the beginning of the next.  The journey in which LB joins our family at last.

I’m not sure I can articulate my feelings, but I think it’s important that I try.  How can I begin to express my gratitude that I’ve been blessed to be a mother, twice over?  Two boys.  The mother of two beautiful boys.

There’s such a difference, from the baby leaving my body and coming out into the world.  The sheer sense of responsibility is almost overwhelming.  I know what it’s like, having been down this road with BB.  All the same.  Today, life will be much different.

Possibly some of this is the knowledge that this may truly be the end of this journey for me, that I will never be pregnant again, never carry another child, never bring a daughter into this world.

I don’t think I honestly want more than two — my body is not young, and there is much effort in raising children well.

Only a few hours more and our family of three becomes a family of four.  I suppose I am a bit terrified of what lies ahead, but for no good reason.  BB is nothing but a joy and delight.

A family of four!  How can it be anything but beautiful?!

I think perhaps the trepidation is merely that fear of change, of leaving one’s comfort zone and becoming accustomed to a new reality.

In a way, it’s like that feeling you get when you’re on a roller coaster, when you’re strapped in to the seat, motoring ever so slowly towards the peak, wondering to yourself why on earth you decided to get on this ride, and knowing that there’s no turning back and you absolutely must and will face the inevitable, that very, very soon you will be plummeting over the edge.  And as you drop, your fears crash through your stomach as you hurtle down, down, downward.  And then it’s over, and you’ve survived, and all is well.  (And sometimes you run right back, to queue for another go!)

So today, I’m nearing the precipice in this roller coaster seat, and the tension is rising in my throat.  In but a few hours, the drop.  And then it will all be over.  I will hold my precious new son in my arms, put him to my breast, and love him fiercely until the day I die.

A mother.  Again.  The dream of all my dreams, coming true.  How blessed I am.  How absolutely and completely blessed.

LB, my LB.  My dear, sweet LB.

LB and BB.  My boys.  My sons.

I am a mother.

So blessed.

This entry was posted on Wednesday, August 27th, 2008 at 6:00 AM and is filed under children, family, motherhood, pregnancy. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

6 Responses to “ready or not”

bluemountainsmary Says:

Go well my friend – the baby must be here now – I am hopeless with time differences.

Go well.

MsCellania Says:

I am answering to this last post of yours as the mother of one.
I hope you’re holding your new little fellow and that life is very, very good for you today.
Smooch your BIG baby and give your husband a job. He’ll feel so much better.

Suse Says:

Mary said it best.

Go well my friend.


Frogdancer Says:

You must now be a mother of two. Congratulations. Little boys are the BEST!!
(It only seems a couple of weeks ago that we were all having coffee in the middle of Melbourne.)

babelbabe Says:


so exciting, am thinking of you. will look forward to hearing all is well.


jasmine Says:

What a beautiful post. Having become a family of four just a few weeks ago I share the sentiment. One lovely thing about the second child coming along is that the love for the first one is only enhanced and everyone’s roles shift just a little as the new little person creates their place in the family.

Enjoy the ride and good luck and congratulations!