- What happened to my emailed blog comments? Why are they not being sent? Did they stop before or after the WordPress update? Before, I think, but I can’t be sure.
- When one is strapped to a breast pump every so many hours, one has time to do things like upgrade blog software, fiddle with graphics software and design birth announcements. In half hour increments.
- Heavens, I’m tired.
- Feeling happy after a percoset a few days ago, I noted to Gadget that I’ve not noticed any real post partum depression yet. He replied that he likes it when I’m depressed, because then I like to spend money and buy things.
- Ha Ha Ha
- He was (mostly) serious.
- Every now and then I gently bring up the topic of the snip. Most recently, Gadget said, “Tell you what, I get the snip, and you get me that motorcycle.”
- Ha Ha Ha
- He was serious. (I’m fairly certain. He really wants that stupid bike.)
- If I were five years younger, I might want to consider having another child. I’ve always wanted three, or at least for as long as I can remember. Two boys and a girl. But now that I’m 43, and have this most beautiful and wonderful baby, I’m feeling my age and can’t imagine how I could possibly go through the newborn days again.
- I can’t fathom how mothers of three and more do it.
- My mother had nine, and I’m finally beginning to cut her a bit of slack for how lackadaisical I perceived her mothering to be (back then).
- Is it just mine, or do all three- going on four- year olds have serious obedience and defiance issues?
- How does one teach a three- going on four- year old what a lie is, and why not to do it?
- Today he played outside and got covered in mud. As boys do. Then he took a shower, all by himself. He even remembered to take his socks off, and he set the water temperature correctly, and he even lathered himself up with soap. I’m so proud of him! It’s the most grown up thing he’s done so far.
- Pumping isn’t so bad, really, but it certainly forces a particular structure into one’s life, for which there is very little latitude.
This entry was posted on Sunday, September 14th, 2008 at 2:10 PM and is filed under blogging, breastfeeding, children, sleeping. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.
2 Responses to “random”
Stomper Girl Says:
I would say all three / four year olds have obedience and defiance issues, particularly ones who’ve just been given a little brother or sister.
They are going through that stage where they are testing boundaries and kicking against the fact that they think they OUGHT to be the bosss and keep finding out that they’re not.
It’ll get better, he needs time to adjust.
bluemountainsmary Says:
What Stomper said.
I never found two year olds difficult – three to four year olds were harder – they are so bloody articulate!